Gibbons’ Project 351 Ambassador

Gibbons' Project 351 Ambassador

Hasini Kuppasani, Writer

Project 351 is an organization that takes place in Boston, Massachusetts. Their goal is to develop an affectionate community of 8th graders to construct their opportunities in life. They believe that kindness, compassion, humility, and gratitude are the key values to being successful. They help change lives, build confidence, and help our communities become whole!


Wondering what the number “351” has anything do this amazing organization? There are 351 towns in Massachusetts. An 8th grader from each town is nominated to make a difference in our state.  This year’s ambassador chosen from Westborough is……

                                                  Ava Wallace! 


What role do you play in Project 351?

I am an ambassador for Project 351 to improve Westborough’s foundation, social structure and make our community a better place for all.  

What are you working on in Project 351? 

Currently, we are strategizing on different ways to make our state a comfortable environment  for everyone from all races to live in. 

What do Project 351’s key values mean to you?


Kindness is not only an action to make yourself feel satisfied or accomplished. It is an action to provide another person with the resources they need to succeed, find new opportunities, and discover themselves.


Regardless of a person’s identity, an individual should develop the habit to be patient and understand one another better. 


Gratitude is the ability to express your feelings and appreciation to thank a person for their 

well being, helpful actions and words. 


Tell us how you volunteer and help others.

This is a world in which we should embrace and accept our mistakes.  You only live once and that is your chance to make a difference in the world.