The Companion by Katie Alendar-A Review

December 6, 2022
I have never found a book as well written, as compelling, and as strange as this one. The Companion is a suspenseful, thriller type novel written by Katie Alendar. Margot, the main character of the story was orphaned after a deadly accident and sent around institutes and homes along with other children who lost their loved ones. She stayed in these homes until one day, she was picked up to be driven to the infamous Copland Hall where she met the Sutton family. She was introduced to Laura, the mother, the father of the family, as well as Agatha, a sickly girl deprived of using her voice and being able to take care of herself. After living there for a little white, Margot was asked to be a companion to Agatha, to be by her side for a while, taking of the girl. Things seemed to be going well for Margot until she started to notice the strange demeanor of the house and people around her. The story brings you along for the ride as Margot uncovers the dark, sinister secrets of the home.
What I thought about the book- it was the best I’ve ever read. For the longest time, reading was extremely painful for me. It was difficult and I never found that “page-turner” of a book everyone was trying to find for me. That is until I found this book. I had read some of it and lost interest until one day I tried it again. I was completely hooked. I couldn’t put it down. I would stay up on school nights until 12:00 AM reading, an experience I had NEVER felt before. Trust me, I could never do that before. I really had no desire to read, but with this novel, I would just be so interested that I was practically glued to the book. It was simple enough to read, while at the same time being extremely descriptive and in depth. It included the perfect amount of horror, creepiness, and even romance, so if you like those genres, READ THIS BOOK. Seriously, if you’re anything like me, check The Companion out!
Aishani • Jan 3, 2023 at 1:46 pm
I read this book over break, it was super good!!