MCAS: Part Two

March 29, 2023
Unfortunately, MCAS is back this year, so here’s part 2 to: What YOU can do to prepare for MCAS
MCAS is back earlier than ever this year, on April 4th. In less than a week you’ll find yourself in front of your chromebook writing another essay. So, you better start preparing.
All the test taking tips and practice tests still hold true from last year, so you can check out the article if you want to get some practice in. However, for part 2, I’ll be giving you tips on what to do: before, during, and after the test.
Before MCAS, make sure you do some practice tests, so you know what to expect. Multiple choice, essays, passages, you know them by now.
The night before, make sure you have a full dinner and get a full night’s sleep. Taking MCAS half-asleep would be the worst thing you could do to yourself. And of course, make sure to charge your chromebook.
In the morning, eat a complete breakfast, and double check that your chromebook is charged and ready. Take a deep breath, and cross your fingers, you’re about to begin.
During MCAS, be aware of prioritizing your work. I’d recommend quickly going through the full test, so you know how many essays and questions you have to answer. Read the passages at least twice, and annotate on your second time through.
When answering questions, break down what they’re asking and reread the part of the passage it’s talking about. Use your tools: elimination, notepad, highlighter, and bookmark. My favorite is the elimination tool, so you can remind yourself which answers you’ve already ruled out.
For essays, create a graphic organizer. Creating a plan and mapping out exactly what you’ll be writing about will help you, so you’re not stuck wondering what to write next. Before you start writing, figure out what quotes you’ll use as evidence, what your reasoning will be, and how you want to organize your essay.
While taking the test, make sure you stay calm and hydrated. It can be really stress inducing, but your physical and mental health come far before doing well on any test. Keep a water bottle next to you, and gum if you’re allowed. Use any strategy you like to calm down if you feel overwhelmed: counting back from ten, deep breaths, or others.
The final tip is to not rush yourself. Yes, it can feel uncomfortable being one of the last ones working, but remember no one’s judging you, even if it can seem that way. Take as much time as you need, you have the whole school day. Essays can take a long time to write; everyone understands.
Congratulations, you finished the test! The rush of relief is like no other, so pat yourself on the back. Read a book, or whatever else the teacher has planned after the test.
Enjoy this time, because soon it’ll be English MCAS Session 2.
And then Math MCAS.
And then Science.
Who knows, maybe I’ll write an article with a full guide for those too. All we have to do is get through these, because soon it’ll be the end of the school year and summer again.
Good Luck!